At the Tokyo Game Show 2024, KOEI TECMO and Omega Force revealed new combat details for their upcoming action game, DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS. Set in ancient China’s Three Kingdoms period, players will fight alongside companions against formidable foes. The game is scheduled to release on January 17, 2025, for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Windows PC via Steam.
Narrative Overview
Dynasty Warriors: Origins follows a nameless hero through significant historical events from the “Yellow Turban Rebellion” to the climactic “Battle of Chibi.” Players can travel across a world map, engaging in missions like suppressing rebellions or rescuing government forces. They will encounter familiar characters such as Cao Cao and Liu Bei, whose relationships can turn into alliances or rivalries.
Tactical Combat
Combat in DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS emphasizes strategic play. Players can use tactics to command allies and coordinate “Large Forces” with “Grand Tactics,” which can significantly alter battle outcomes. Opponents will also employ similar strategies, making adaptability crucial.
In 1 vs. 1000 combat scenarios, swift attacks are essential for breaking an opponent’s guard. Repeated successful attacks increase the protagonist’s “Bravery,” unlocking unique abilities called “Arts.” Each weapon type has its own set of Arts.
Defensive strategies also play a key role. Proper timing when blocking can initiate powerful ripostes known as “Parry,” breaching the opponent’s defense. Some attacks cannot be blocked and require dodging before counterattacking.
Dealing with Powerful Enemies
Players will face officers protected by an energy barrier called “Resolution.” Reducing this barrier is necessary to weaken these enemies, allowing players to launch a powerful “Assault” attack that can often be the decisive blow in combat.
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